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Congregation of

Sisters of St. Anne, Tiruchirappalli (SAT),

Tamilnadu, India.

"Simplicity in life and Service to the poor"

Our Heritage


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Vibrant Celebration of the Infant Jesus Festival
Vibrant Celebration of the Infant Jesus Festival

“The more you honour me, the more I will bless you.”...

April 4, 2024

St. Anne’s Residence – Azhagappapuram
St. Anne’s Residence – Azhagappapuram

In commemoration of the completion of 75 years of our Azhagappapuram...

March 19, 2024

Our Heritage

The virtues and values adopted and practised by our Foundress and senior sisters and followed in spirit by all the sisters of the Congregation remain the heritage treasures of the Congregation which are:

Simplicity in life To disown earthly possessions and personal comforts and to rely totally on God and get united in Him
Disposition of Contemplation To raise the heart towards God continually through prayer and meditation on the Word of God and to follow Christ closely and constantly.
Strong Will To face obstacles and challenges in proclaiming the Good News.
Perseverance To withstand trials and tribulations, difficulties and problems, sorrows and failures.
Hard Labour To undertake tasks with determination in accomplishing the desired goal.
Joyful State of Poverty To experience the inner joy in living a life of poverty.
Life of Sacrifice To live the religious life joyfully.
Heavenly Joy To experience the heavenly joy.
Witness of Life To bear witness of God in leading a life of service.